Crooked Hallway in Creepy Lair.
Attack of the Mutant video game screenshot(Mike, 2006)
Liminal Space
A mysterious building...
Goosebumps "Attack of the Mutant Part II" (Newt, 2016)
The definition of Liminal Space for me is a familiar transitional space. The images above are relating to a Goosebumps story called "The attack of the Mutant". This episode oozed with that sense off eerie nostalgic familiarity. A list of people who work with this idea of Liminality that I want to look at: Stanley Kubrick.
This Quote from Reddit says it all.
Reference list
Mike, M. (2006). Goosebumps Attack of the Mutant Screenshots. Available at:,177863/ [Accessed 1 Feb. 2022]. Crooked hallway in the evil lair.
Newt (2016). Recap: Goosebumps “Attack of the Mutant Part II.” [Blog] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2022]. A mysterious building... straight out of a comic?