Artist Statement
I am trying to instil a sense of home in my surroundings with the paintings I create. As a diasporic individual, for me a sense of home arises when I talk about the past, particularly about the time I lived in Iran. I like to think of my paintings as portals. Portals to a past that I long for. In my practice I explore the relationship between the screen/camera, tools used for capturing and viewing the past and the analogue act of painting - to make something tangible. I currently paint from an archive of images taken by me and my father.
My paintings are a mixture of emotion and memory, time and space. A memory replayed becomes the present. The past is always alive. I paint on a small scale. Using frames to focus my view. When I paint straight onto the walls I am creating an imprint. It also helps me to connect with my present and create new memories of these images. A visual reverb in time.
I am interested in the painting as an object as well as the painting as a non-object - painted straight onto the wall. It is important for me to express myself through pure paint and to not make pencil marks in my preparation of an Image. I build up my paintings with brush strokes of colour, favouring a flat head brush. The painted image starts out blurry and with each layer becomes more clear.